IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 14 ‘Sado Story’

Sado Story Zheng Ren Chao CHINA W168×D60×H60(cm) This is interesting design layout, recreating a natural cedar tree of Sado. Branches are impressively expressed, using slender curved driftwood. This central part should be the highlight of layout, but driftwood at both ends have thick trunks, causing the weak impact of the central tree. In order to make layout theme clear, creator could make the driftwood on the both ends slender, and emphasized the central tree.

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 1 ‘Forest Scent’

Grand Prize (World Ranking No.1) Title: Forest Scent Name: Pavel Bautin Country: RUSSIA Aquarium Tank: W150×D50×H60(cm) Aquatic Plants: Eleocharis acicularis Fantinalis antipyretica Glossostigma elatinoides Hemiantus caritrichoides ”Cuba” Hemianthus micranthemoides Hydrocotile leucocephala Micranthemum umbrosum Microsorium pteropus Myriophillum elatinoides Myriophillum matogrossense(Green) Myriophillum pinnatum Rotala nanjean Rotala rotundifolia(Green) Fish & Invertebrates: Boraras maculata Caridina japonica Neocaridina denticulate Evaluation: This year’s grand prize winner is from Russia with an innovative image of forest. 4 juries selected this layout as…

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 2 ‘Loess Plateau’

Gold Prize (World Ranking No.2) Title: Loess plateau Name: Zhang Jian Feng Country: MACAU Aquarium Size: W90×D45×H45(cm) Aquatic Plants: Rotala nanjean Riccardia chamedryfolia Fish & Invertebrates: Trigonostigma espei Caridina japonica Evaluation: The gold prize winning layout sent from Macau had a strong color impact. Riccardia chamedryfolia was attached on red table rocks, and it attracted people’s attention. Mr. Zhang made use of those unique table rocks, and expressed a plateau. But all the rocks are…

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 3 ‘Colour of Life’

Silver Prize (World Ranking No.3) Title: Colour of life Name: Xuan Thuy Nguyen Thi Country: VIETNAM Aquarium Size: W120×D45×H40(cm) Aquatic Plants: Glossostigma elatinoides Hemianthus micranthemoides Limnophila sp. Vietnam Marsilea hirsuta Rotala rotundifolia sp. Rotala sp. red Echinodorus tenellus Vesicularia sp. Fish & Invertebrates: Paracheirodon axelrodi Otocinclus Caridina japonica Evaluation: The silver prize winner is from Vietnam, and the creator made a good arrangement of rocks and stemmed plants. The rocks are all in same texture,…

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 4 ‘The View’

Silver Prize (World Ranking No.4) Title: The view Name: Yutaka Kanno Country: JAPAN Aquarium Size: W120×D45×H45(cm) Aquatic Plants: Fontinalis antipyretica Vesicularia sp. Amblystegiaceae sp.(from São Paulo) Fish & Invertebrates: Paracheirodon simulans Caridina japonica Neocaridina denticulata Evaluation: Another Silver prize winner is from Japan. The layout looks like a piece of modern art, expressing a space in the cave with the dynamic arrangement of driftwood. Some kinds of Willow moss are used, but it gives too…

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